目前分類:Personal Profile (5)

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陳方隅   Chen Fang-Yu

(個人資料已全數移往首頁。此部落格將不再更新. 2018/10)

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Statement of Purpose

        I am dedicated to academic research and have long aspired to be a scholar in the field of comparative politics. I hope to conduct advanced studies in the PhD program with a focus on the issues of democratization and inequality in East Asia.

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Personal History

    My name is Fang-Yu Chen. I am from a family in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, and my parents are both in the education sector. My father currently serves as the President of National Hsinchu University of Education, and my mother teaches Chinese in a junior high school. Since my childhood, my parents have always urged me to keep an open mind and read widely. Instead of setting a course for my future, they encouraged me to excel in whatever I put my mind to. Influenced by my parents’ attitudes, I have developed strong confidence in my ability to achieve my goals, as well as curiosity about things in life and new kinds of thinking.

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Writing Sample 1

Author: Chen, Fang-Yu

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